It’s already a record-breaking year for dengue infections in Central and South America, with almost 10 million cases diagnosed so far.

Now, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning of an increased risk of the mosquito-borne virus in the U.S., as summer weather and vacation travel heat up.

This week, the CDC told health care providers to be on the lookout and to test for cases, especially among people with fevers who have recently returned from places where dengue is surging.

“Currently, there is no evidence of an outbreak in the continental U.S.,” says Gabriela Paz-Bailey, chief of the CDC’s Dengue Branch, based in San Juan, Puerto Rico. “But around the world, dengue cases have risen at an alarming rate. Particularly in the summer months, we are expecting people to travel more to areas where dengue is common, and this could lead to more local transmission in the United States.”

The U.S. has seen around 2,200 cases so far this year. And about 1,500 of those cases have been locally acquired, mostly in Puerto Rico, where dengue virus is considered endemic – that is, in constant, continuous circulation.

Puerto Rico declared a public health emergency over dengue in March, after cases rose quickly at an unseasonably early time. Locally acquired cases have also been reported in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Florida this year, Paz-Bailey says.

To be clear, the CDC does not expect to see large outbreaks across the U.S. this summer. Instead, the agency is anticipating more travel-related cases, and small chains of local transmission linked to those cases, says Paz-Bailey. These chains can arise in any state with an established population of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, the species most associated with their transmission in the Americas.

In recent years, local dengue cases have been seen in Arizona, California and Texas. “With increasing temperatures, we need to continue to be prepared and continue to strengthen the surveillance system so that we monitor the occurrence of dengue in new areas,” Paz-Bailey says.

Why is the dengue virus surging now?

A few intersecting threads related to weather, waning immunity and human behavior are contributing to the “explosive outbreak that has evolved in the last year,” says Dr. Albert Ko, a professor of public health at Yale University who has worked with dengue patients in Brazil for 30 years.

First, it’s been a warm, wet year in South America, providing ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes. Populations of the potential dengue carriers are thriving. This year, the mosquitoes brought the disease to parts of southern Brazil and Argentina where it hasn’t historically been found – “a testament to climate change,” which is expanding the insects’ range, Ko says.

Second, dengue outbreaks tend to be cyclical. Big outbreaks happen every few years, and the last one was in 2019. The cyclical pattern of dengue outbreaks is related to how population-level immunity rises and falls, Ko says.

There are four distinct strains of dengue, and a person who recovers from one type is protected against all of them for a couple of years. But that immunity wanes over time “and you then become susceptible to the other three,” Ko says. On a population level, immunity is high after a large outbreak and then declines in the years after, setting the scene for a new wave of dengue infections.

And third, the dengue virus is hitching a ride on human travelers, who are going to see family, friends and places they missed out on when travel shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Human mobility, either short or longer distances, plays a significant role in moving the virus around,” says Gonzalo Vazquez-Prokopec, an environmental scientist and global health researcher at Emory University, “Humans are the vector, the ones that are moving the virus even a longer distance than mosquitoes.” They’re getting bitten by mosquitoes with dengue and bringing it, often inadvertently, to wherever they’re going next.

Some 75% of people who get dengue infections show mild or no symptoms. “So that could translate into someone traveling to an area where there is active dengue transmission, acquiring dengue, returning to their home and then transmitting dengue to a mosquito,” all without knowing they’re carrying the dengue virus, Paz-Bailey says. That mosquito could go on to bite other people, potentially starting a chain of local transmission.

If most people are asymptomatic, how bad can dengue be? 

In a quarter of cases, people infected with dengue feel terrible. “About three to four days after being bit, the virus disseminates in the body, causing systemic illness,” says Ko, who has treated thousands of dengue patients. “Symptoms [include] fever, very severe body aches, joint pains and very, very severe headaches.”

A few patients will develop severe dengue, which can include a condition called capillary leak syndrome. “It makes our blood vessels leaky, and people become dehydrated and go into shock … at which point they need urgent medical care, such as resuscitation with intravenous fluids, in order to save their lives,” says Ko at Yale. People with fevers and headaches from dengue should stick with treating themselves with Tylenol or acetaminophen, he says, and avoid aspirin, because aspirin thins the blood and can exacerbate the disease’s bleeding effects.

Dengue can be severe and fatal whether a person gets it for the first, second, third or fourth time. But there’s a particularly pronounced risk of serious illness the second time around, says Paz-Bailey with CDC. That’s because of a phenomena associated with dengue known as antibody-dependent enhancement, where a first infection with dengue can prime a person’s immune system to help the virus infect cells more easily on a second infection.

Groups most at risk of severe illness include infants, pregnant women and the elderly.

What precautions can people take?

Individuals can protect themselves from mosquito bites by wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants, and using EPA-registered insect repellents, says Paz-Bailey with CDC.

They can also help reduce the buzzing of mosquitoes in and around their homes by “dumping standing water, using window screens and, if possible, using air conditioning, because that helps keep mosquitoes out,” she says.

People with fevers, severe headaches or other symptoms consistent with dengue should seek medical care, and health care providers should be ready to assess their symptoms and travel history and, if warranted, test their blood for it.

Dengue is a nationally notifiable disease – so any cases that are found should be reported to the local health authorities. That will help track where the virus is spreading, and could spur local education and mosquito control efforts, says Ko.

A vaccine against dengue has been discontinued

A dengue vaccine, Dengvaxia, is approved for use in the U.S. where the virus is endemic, such as Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. However, the three-dose vaccine, which requires several blood tests and repeat visits to the doctor’s office, has been hard to administer and slow on the uptake. Sanofi-Pasteur has stopped making the vaccine, citing a lack of demand, and the last remaining doses expire in 2026, Paz-Bailey says.

The hope for the future, says Yale’s Ko, is twofold: better mosquito control measures that decrease dengue transmission and better vaccines that protect the unexposed population.

“The bad part of decreasing transmission is that people become susceptible because they haven’t been infected,” he says, “But if we have both a vaccine and [better] vector-control methods, we mitigate that risk.”

Ko sees progress on both fronts – citing developments with bacteria that can interfere with mosquito breeding, and another dengue vaccine that has been approved in some countries, though not in the U.S.

With better interventions that tackle mosquito-borne illnesses from different angles, Ko says, the country’s response to diseases like dengue could become “substantially effective” and many more people can be saved.

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It's been a record-breaking year for dengue cases in Central and South America - almost 10 million cases so far, more than any year on record. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now warning of an increased risk of dengue infections in the U.S. NPR health correspondent Pien Huang is here to tell us about it. Hey, Pien.


SHAPIRO: Any idea why the virus is surging now?

HUANG: So a couple of reasons. No. 1, this is a mosquito-borne virus. And it's been a warm, wet year in South America, so there's a lot more mosquitoes around. Mosquitos are also thriving in more places thanks to climate change, so that's No. 1. No. 2 is that dengue is cyclical. There tend to be big outbreaks every couple of years. The last big one was in 2019. And part of the reason for that is that there's actually four different strains of dengue. People who get one strain are protected for a couple of years, then the immunity wears off and they're susceptible to getting one of the other strains. So this population-level immunity comes and goes in cycles. And then there's also the fact that people in the U.S. are traveling a lot more these days.

SHAPIRO: These days meaning, like, summer vacation? Or just broadly, generally speaking, people travel more?

HUANG: Definitely a lot more since the pandemic. So I spoke with Gonzalo Vazquez-Prokopec, an environmental scientist at Emory University. He says we can't just blame the mosquitoes.

GONZALO VAZQUEZ-PROKOPEC: Human mobility, either short or longer distances, play a significant role in moving the viruses around. So humans are the vector. Humans are the ones that are moving the virus even a longer distance than mosquitoes.

HUANG: He says one of the reasons why things went pretty quiet in the last couple of years is that travel basically shut down during the COVID pandemic. So now that people are traveling more generally - seeing family, old friends, places they haven't been - they're getting bitten by mosquitoes with dengue, and they're bringing it to wherever they're going next.

SHAPIRO: So how bad is it? I have a sense that, like, you'd rather get dengue than malaria, but you don't want to get dengue.

HUANG: Well, dengue is actually one of the world's most common mosquito-spread diseases. And in 75% of the cases, the people who get infected don't actually get very sick.

SHAPIRO: Well, that's good.

HUANG: Yeah, that's good. But in a quarter of those cases, they do, and those symptoms can be pretty awful, Ari. People can get high fevers, debilitating headaches, joint pains. And in some severe cases, it can cause people's blood vessels to leak, and it can lead to shock and even death.

SHAPIRO: Not good. OK, I said the CDC is warning about risk in the United States. How severe is that risk? Who should be worried?

HUANG: Yeah, so it really depends on where you live. The risk is not spread equally across the country. So far this year, there have been about 2,000 cases in the U.S. and most of those cases have been in Puerto Rico, where dengue is endemic. Puerto Rico actually declared a public health emergency over dengue a few months ago. There have also been some cases reported in the U.S. Virgin Islands, some in Florida. In recent years, local transmission has been seen in Texas, Arizona, California.

Gabriela Paz-Bailey, head of CDC's dengue branch, says that people who traveled to Puerto Rico or other places that are experiencing big dengue surges should be aware of the risk. It's especially dangerous for babies, pregnant women and the elderly. But she says that they're not actually expecting big surges of dengue across the continental U.S. the summer. What they do expect to see is more travel-related cases and small chains of transmission related to them. She says that they really want doctors to be on the lookout for cases and to test for it.

SHAPIRO: NPR's Pien Huang. Thank you.

HUANG: You're welcome. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

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