"You can't really have a concert if you can't have an audience," David Roode muses.
His career as a concert trombonist in Cincinnati went abruptly on hold when stay-at-home orders took effect in March.
"I had months of gigs that were just canceled."
Roode and his wife, a concert pianist, have done some recording while on lockdown in Cincinnati. And they've tapped into savings they typically rely on during the slower summer months.
"If I kind of burn through my summer money now, then when the summer comes and there's no work, there might be more of a problem," Roode says.
He's done some soul-searching about the role of a musician during a pandemic.
"The medical professionals are the ones who are on the front lines who are really making a difference," Roode says. But he thinks artists and performers will eventually be in demand again.
"I really think when this is all over, people are going to want to go hear concerts and they're going to want to have that experience."
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