There is no name for the music Krallice makes, only a sphere that encompasses it. In recent years, the band's mutant metal has become what can only be called extreme chamber music, with pieces averaging 10 minutes and an insatiable thirst for newness.
"Hate Power," released today as a free download via Adult Swim's singles program, feels like the manic Krallice redux. It is a brisk and blistering three minutes and 45 seconds, a vertiginous metal-punk spew closer to the band's Orphan tribute than anything else else in its discography.
"Our song 'Hate Power' was conceived and written by myself over the past five years," guitarist and vocalist Mick Barr says. "The lyrics take an anti-hate stance. It will be on our new record Prelapsarian, which will be released this Winter Solstice."
The winter solstice is Dec. 21, by the way. Expect to see Prelapsarian released on Bandcamp.
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