Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz made a campaign stop in Winston-Salem on Thursday, the first day of early voting in North Carolina. 

Speaking at Carver High School, Walz opened with a string of one-liners targeting his GOP opponents former President Donald Trump and running-mate J.D. Vance, contrasting them with Democratic nominee Kamala Harris.

But he also pointedly defined the stakes in the election for public education, reproductive rights and an economy driven by the middle class.

“So every teacher in here, every nurse in here, every firefighter, every small business owner, we are who we are. We're middle class," said Walz. "That's why she understands that the economy works best when it's fair for everyone.”

Laurie Dominguez traveled from Greensboro with her 14-year-old daughter Gabriela to hear the speech. She says she wants her daughter to have the same reproductive rights she had growing up. They left with Gabriela crying on her mother’s shoulder after getting to meet Walz.

“He shook my hand and he talked to me about being happy I was there, and it was really nice for him to shake my hand and have a conversation,” said Gabriela Dominguez.

The Harris campaign has moved toward the center on some issues, working recently to appeal to Republicans who aren’t comfortable with another Trump presidency. 

Tremayne Blair of Winston-Salem is one of those Republicans. He says he’s long supported the GOP because he holds conservative values, but he prefers how Harris addresses policy. 

“I love that Kamala Harris isn’t afraid to take on a task, there’s clear explanations to her policies," he said. "And with Donald Trump, literally to date, he’s not given a straight answer to any policy question during this campaign.”

The rapper and actor Common warmed up the crowd ahead of Walz’ arrival.

Winston-Salem was the second stop for the campaign Thursday. Walz also spoke in Durham accompanied by former President Bill Clinton.

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