During a meeting Tuesday, Greensboro City Council remained mum on the city’s decision to financially settle claims of unwanted touching made against former City Manager Taiwo Jaiyeoba.

WFDD reported Monday that Greensboro agreed to pay $220,000 to settle the claims made by one of Jaiyeoba’s direct reports. 

The news wasn’t mentioned during Tuesday’s meeting, which lasted nearly four hours.

When asked to comment after the council session ended, Mayor Nancy Vaughan provided a short statement: 

“We don’t discuss personnel matters. The letter stands on its own.”

Mayor Vaughan was referring to the written agreement between the city and Jaiyeoba’s former employee outlining the settlement. It’s unclear whether the council knew about that agreement at the time it was signed. 

Councilmembers Tammi Thurm, Sharon Hightower and Nancy Hoffman have all declined to comment on the matter. The remaining members, Zack Matheny, Hugh Holston, Goldie Wells, Yvonne Johnson and Marikay Abuzuaiter have not responded to emails seeking interviews.

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