As the weather cools, health officials are reminding residents to take steps to protect against COVID-19. 

Cases are down statewide after a slight uptick during the summer, according to the latest wastewater data. But Forsyth County Public Health Director Joshua Swift says residents can start preparing now for the typical winter spike.

“The best protection is get the vaccine, get the updated COVID Booster. You can go to your provider, you can go to the pharmacy," he says. "Next thing to do is, if you do get COVID, we'd encourage you to call your provider. If you're at high risk, they may recommend Paxlovid.” 

The health department is currently offering free COVID-19 vaccinations for children and uninsured adults. Swift says free testing kits are also available at the department as well as every public library in the county. 

“As we get ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas and the holidays, and you're going to see someone, especially someone immune compromised, it may be a good idea to test yourself just as a precaution,” he says. 

Every U.S. household is also eligible for four free COVID-19 tests from the federal government – those can be ordered via

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