Morning Edition is calling on listeners to create their own versions of the theme. Pick your genre: rock, hip-hop, R&B, country, even EDM. You can create a new arrangement of one of our themes or remix one.
Regular Morning Edition listeners have heard the familiar theme song composed by BJ Leiderman every weekday morning since the show's first broadcast in 1979.
Over the years, we've had variations of that theme recorded, some of which you hear on the air, like the music for our "returns," those 30-second news bites that air every hour on the half-hour.
But there are other versions you never hear, like the short riff that recalls the smooth jazz stylings of saxophonist Kenny G. There's also a jaunty sting that we call "Cokie's Theme," and the "Jazz Theme," which might make you think of a '60s talk show.
Download Morning Edition theme
Download Kenny G-Inspired Theme
Our staff will comb through your submissions, and our favorites will make it on the air in the coming weeks. (We aren't looking for one to replace the current themes.) Post them on SoundCloud with the hashtag #morningeditiontheme, then submit the link using the form below.
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