The Housing Authority of Winston-Salem (HAWS) is facing a projected financial shortfall in a program that helps residents pay their rent.
Last year, HAWS was over budget for its housing choice voucher program due to rising rents. But the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provided funding to offset expenses.
HAWS Executive Director Kevin Cheshire said at a board of commissioners meeting Tuesday they're not expected to see that kind of help with this year's deficit.
"HUD has been very, very clear that it does not anticipate being able to come to the rescue in 2025," he said. "It means we have to carefully track the vouchers that we have leased up, because if we overspend this year, we're going to have to find that money somewhere else."
The program subsidizes more than 4,000 families. The waiting list for vouchers re-opened for the first time in two years in 2024.
Cheshire said they're currently looking at an estimated $800,000 shortfall for the program.
"We were excited that we could issue new vouchers, that we could start moving people off the waiting list, and now we cannot," he said.
In other business, Cheshire said repairs have been completed for the final elevator at Crystal Towers. The announcement comes after several delays at the low-income housing facility for the elderly and disabled.
Sunrise Towers and Healy Towers have also had their elevator system replaced, he said.
A full assessment of Crystal Towers is now expected to be released in February.
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