With the possibility of significant rainfall in the coming days as Hurricane Helene approaches, the city of Winston-Salem offered some basic storm preparedness advice during a press conference on Wednesday. 

City officials say they’re in “monitoring mode” as they keep an eye on the weather over the next one to three days.

August Vernon, director of the Office of Emergency Management for Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, reminded residents not to drive into flooded waters.

“You know, the ‘turn around, don’t drown’ statement is very important," he said. "Because a lot of injuries and fatalities occur after the storm has passed through, and everyone wants to go out and start looking at things.” 

Officials said if you lose power, don’t bring generators or outdoor cooking devices inside. They also urged people to not call 911 unless there is a true emergency — adding that internet and power outages don’t count.

The city suggests Ready Forsyth and Ready NC for storm updates and additional tips.

Governor Roy Cooper has declared a state of emergency ahead of the weather system.

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