The magazine, in Kerala, India, featured a model with a baby at her breast. Supporters and critics can't stop talking about it. There's even a threatened lawsuit.
I'm a doctor, and I oversee public health programs to help new mothers and infants. When my son was born, I discovered just how vitally important that help is.
We invited readers to tell us how their culture helps moms become breast-feeding pros. The stories we received are so wonderful, we couldn't wait to share them. We even heard from a few dads!
The vast majority of pregnant women in the U.S. say they plan to breast-feed, but aren't told that many new moms worldwide find it tricky. Being mentored the first weeks after birth can help a lot.
Orangutans breast-feed up to nine years, longer than any other primate. That may help offspring survive food shortages. But humans may have gained a survival advantage from weaning earlier.
Prior research points to an association between breast-feeding and higher intelligence, but a new study finds no causal link. The study does find that breast-fed kids are less hyperactive at age 3.
There's no question bed sharing increases the risk of sudden death, pediatricians say. New guidelines are aimed at reducing that risk as much as possible in the first year of a child's life.
Pumping breast milk may seem optional, but women who don't pump or breast-feed on a regular schedule risk engorgement, a painful condition that can lead to infection and other medical complications.
Four female pilots says that Frontier Airlines failed to provide legally required accommodations so they could pump breast milk and do their jobs. The ACLU filed a complaint on their behalf.
Babies born premature are at risk for eye damage that can cause blindness, like it did for Stevie Wonder. Babies who are fed breast milk are much less likely to be affected.