The Moscow-based company said in a statement that the U.S. Commerce Department’s decision would not affect its ability to sell and promote its cyber security products and training in the U.S.
The Ukrainian hacktivists wrote in a blog post — posted on their own site —that they would be sharing data obtained from the Russian bank hack with investigative journalists.
State officials are urging residents to stay safe online, with Governor Roy Cooper proclaiming October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
The governor released a statement noting that advances in digital technology have opened the door to more sophisticated cyber threats, and he’s urging users to make “smart decisions” online.
U.S. hospitals have seen a record number of cyberattacks over the past few years. Getting hacked can cost a hospital millions of dollars and expose patient data, and even jeopardize patient care.
Prime Minister Modi's ambitious plan to transition all Indians' health records online is running up against weak cybersecurity systems and a lack of data protection laws.
Harri Hursti bought the Dominion machine to uncover its vulnerabilities, something he often does for state election officials. But authorities are trying to find out how the machine ended up online.