If you often have pain, bloating, urgency or other symptoms of gastrointestinal distress, you may have IBS. Here's how to find relief, using the latest science and a new generation of apps.
A suite of new research shows the country beating infectious diseases over the last two decades. But deaths from lifestyle-related diseases like cancer and diabetes are on the rise.
There are more than 200,000 cases in Yemen, a war-ravaged country whose health system is collapsing. We asked specialists what needs to happen to bring the disease under control.
The bacterium C. difficile causes one of the most common infections in hospitals and nursing homes. After climbing for decades, the rate of new infections is now falling.
A new report points to great progress in reducing deaths from diarrheal diseases. But as the low-income world sees progress, rates are inching up in wealthy countries, including the U.S.
The latest cholera surge is in Yemen, and Haiti is still fighting the world's worst outbreak. Why does this waterborne disease remain a global health risk?
It's aimed at rotavirus, a nasty pathogen that can cause diarrhea and kills more than 500 children a day. The secret to the vaccine is the same thing that makes space ice cream so cool.