Politics & Government Greensboro launches program to help residents expunge low-level criminal charges 4:35pm March 11, 2025 by April Laissle Officials say expungement can help remove barriers to stable housing, education, and employment, ultimately reducing recidivism rates.
National San Francisco To Expunge Thousands Of Marijuana Convictions 7:27am February 26, 2019 by Matthew S. Schwartz The city announced that more than 9,000 marijuana-related convictions will be cleared. California voters legalized recreational marijuana in 2016.
National Economy Scrubbing The Past To Give Those With A Criminal Record A Second Chance 3:27pm February 19, 2019 A criminal conviction can present obstacles to everything from jobs to housing. Since 2017, more than 20 states have expanded or added laws that help people seal or expunge their criminal records. Add to Listen QueueListen Now