Social media was recently taken aback watching as alligators in freezing weather appeared to go into a deep sleep to stay alive. They're not alone. Iguanas and hummingbirds do it too.
"Verified the iguana warning," the National Weather Service office in Miami says. There are also reports that, much like in 2018, some people see the cold-stunned lizards as free meat.
A scientific project for killing invasive green iguanas in Florida has become the center of national attention. Anthropologist Barbara J. King looks at wildlife management and methods.
The unusual cold slamming the U.S. East Coast is wreaking havoc with wildlife, particularly the cold-blooded variety. Social media has been flooded by photos of downed iguanas and frozen sharks.
Iguanas lost their habitat because of Hurricane Irma. That could mean disease-carrying mosquitoes, which are food for the lizards, could multiply faster.