Wetlands managers have spent years using fire and chemicals to fight phragmites, an invasive reed that chokes everything else out. But coaxing beneficial native plants to move back in is difficult.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Competitive State Wildlife Grant Program has awarded more than $7.4 million in grants to study threatened wildlife across the country, including endangered crayfish in North Carolina.
Joro spiders are spreading across the east coast. They are an invasive species that most likely arrived in shipping containers from eastern Asia. Today, we look into why some people find them scary, why to not panic aboutthem and what their trajectory illustrates about the wider issue of invasive species.
Joro spiders — invasive, brightly colored, orb-weaving arachnids that have been spreading in the U.S. for the past several years — have captured the public's interest and horror once again. But spider experts say the jury's still out on the impact the spider will have.
Researchers say the creatures pose little threat to humans but they are concerned about the growing prevalence of invasive species — a problem made worse by global trade and climate change.
The state is moving quickly to destroy the snails before the snails destroy Florida's crops. The snails contain both male and female reproductive organs and lay up to 500 eggs at a time.
A study of plastic trash hauled out of the Pacific Ocean found that most of it had been colonized by coastal life that was thriving right next to species that normally live in the open sea.