Migrating hundreds and hundreds of miles is hard work for the common noctule bat. But this European species makes its marathon journey a little bit easier by paying attention to the weather.
The number beats the previous record, set in 2023, as a recent report also points at a peak in the number of deaths recorded in the dangerous Atlantic migration route.
The migration route that connects West African nations with the Spanish Canary Islands remains the deadliest in the world, according to a Spanish aid organization.
The monarch butterfly is widely recognized and widely dispersed across North America and it's in trouble. Federal officials decide soon whether it gets protection under the Endangered Species Act.
Pat Rush and her family left Arkansas in the wake of one of the largest migrations in U.S. history, in the hope of making a better life for themselves out west.
Vice President Harris is trying to shore up one of her biggest political liabilities. She focused her border security remarks on disrupting fentanyl smuggling.
A new wave of migrants is expected to flee Venezuela as the nation's crisis deepens. Authoritarian President Nicolás Maduro claims re-election. The opposition disputes the outcome as fraudulent.
The recent deadly heat in West Africa is driven by human activities, including the burning of fossil fuels, particularly in the wealthy Northern Hemisphere, according to an international report.
European Union lawmakers have approved a major revamp of the bloc's migration laws, hoping to end years of division and deprive the far right of a vote-winning campaign issue ahead of June elections.