"We finally have the first look at our Milky Way black hole, Sagittarius A*," an international team of astrophysicists and researchers from the Event Horizon Telescope team said.
While researchers have found more than 4,000 planets in our own galaxy, this is the first time anyone has found what could be a planet that exists outside the Milky Way.
Scientists have used a NASA probe way out in space, beyond Pluto, to measure visible light that's not connected to any known source like stars or galaxies.
The supermassive black hole lurking at the center of our galaxy appears to have a lot of company, according to a new study that suggests the monster is surrounded by about 10,000 other black holes.
Eighty percent of the world lives under light-polluted skies. For the 20 percent who can see clear views of the heavens at night, we want to see your photos.
More than 99 percent of the people living in the U.S. and Europe look up and see light-polluted skies, according to a new atlas of artificial night sky brightness.
The tiny waste harvesters use the Milky Way as a guide to roll their dung meals away to safety. Now researchers say the beetles take "snapshots" of the constellation and store them in their brains.
Amid this week's hoopla celebrating the Hubble Space Telescope, don't forget the clever astronomer for whom the space scope was named. In the 1920s, he changed our sense of ourselves and the universe.