A new study finds that taking regular, short bouts of movement during the day can reduce the risk of developing conditions like diabetes and heart disease.
Paleoanthropologist Daniel Lieberman says the concept of "getting exercise" is relatively new. His new book, Exercised, examines why we run, lift and walk for a workout when our ancestors didn't.
Chair design shifted dramatically about a hundred years ago, and it hasn't been good for our backs. Our daily lives are filled with chairs that make our posture worse. Luckily, we've got hacks.
In the past century, many Americans have lost the ability to sit in a way that doesn't strain their backs. Specialists say we could take a lesson from excellent sitters from other cultures.
Standing desks have been touted as the answer for health problems caused by sitting all day. But the evidence that the high desks improve health — or that they are even used much — is weak.
Hint: The answer doesn't revolve around buying more gadgets. Nor does it depend on you dragging yourself to the gym seven nights a week. This calls for a concerted attack — while moving.