The explosion struck inside the ministry, killing Khalil Haqqani, officials said. His last official photo showed him at a meeting chaired by the deputy prime minister earlier Wednesday.
The Afghanistan Memory Home Museum shares details and belongings from those who've died in conflict. It shut its doors when the Taliban took power, buried much of its collection — but has now reemerged.
Several sources confirm the Taliban pronouncement, part of ongoing efforts to curtail education for girls and women. Women studying these subjects say they were barred from classes this week.
Getting footage from the ground was essential for filmmaker Sahra Mani, the director of Bread & Roses. Her documentary, which profiles three women who engage in protests, is now streaming on Apple TV+.
A new morality law is full of restrictions. No neckties for men. Photos cannot be reproduced. The harshest rules are for women — who are singing out on social media to protest the ban on singing.
Nearly 300 young musicians, their teachers and staff from their music school fled Afghanistan in fear for their lives as the Taliban took power. NPR caught up with them during their U.S. tour,
In a recording, the group's leader declared: "We will flog the women ... we will stone them to death in public [for crimes]." What does Islamic law say on the matter? And have stonings taken place?
Matiullah Wesa was arrested and spent 215 days in prison. He has been outspoken in his demands for girls to have the right to go to school. The Taliban bar girls from school beyond the sixth grade.
A series of devastating quakes has taken thousands of lives and left thousands more homeless. Aid specialists say the Taliban lacks the equipment and experience to help the survivors.