Pence warned that a Biden administration would threaten American freedoms and crumble the nation's economy. In making that case, Pence deployed several inaccurate or questionable claims.
Senator Elizabeth Warren proposes a new kind of U.S. tax policy: a wealth tax. But the policy faces serious hurdles, including lessons from a failed experiment in Europe and a constitutional challenge
In 2012, the Kansas government passed massive tax cuts, which Republican Gov. Sam Brownback promised would deliver "a shot of adrenaline" to the economy. But the experiment did the exact opposite.
Trump brought out a lot of his greatest hits: slamming trade deals, claiming the economy is failing and touting his poll numbers. But he strayed from the facts several times.
His proposed "speculation tax" — a small levy on every stock, bond or derivative sold in the U.S. — would fund higher education. Estimates of how much revenue it might raise vary greatly.