Health & Safety Environment National At 74, Wisdom the albatross is welcoming new motherhood once again 2:37pm February 14, 2025 The Laysan Albatross was first banded (or marked) in Hawaii in 1956. Meaning, she could be even older than the current estimate of 74.
Environment Health & Safety National She's 74 — and expecting: Wisdom the albatross astounds once again 1:08pm December 06, 2024 It started in the Eisenhower era: Every year, Wisdom, a Layan albatross, has returned to her nesting grounds on the Midway Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.
National World's 'Oldest Known Wild Bird' Hatches Chick, Again! 2:24pm February 21, 2017 by Merrit Kennedy Wisdom, a Laysan albatross who is at least 66 years old, has hatched yet another chick at the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and Battle of Midway National Memorial in Hawaii.
National Science Environment An Old Bird Can Hatch A New Chick — Even At Age 65 12:12pm February 10, 2016 by Bill Chappell Wisdom, a Laysan albatross that researchers first tagged in 1956, has hatched what could be her 40th chick, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says.