The new book Burning Down the Haus fastidiously traces the self-discovery of punks in the socialist dictatorship of East Germany, and the violence and repression they endured on the way to freedom.
In 2009, Drew Philp bought an abandoned house in Detroit and worked with neighbors to fix it up. He discovered the power of 'radical neighborliness' to rebuild his struggling neighborhood.
Redford has announced that he's retiring from acting, and that his role in the new film The Old Man and the Gun, will be his last. In 2013, he said it was "sort of weird" being known for his looks.
Architect Liz Ogbu has seen the pain gentrification creates for displaced communities. She wonders how we can create ways for longtime residents to stay and reap the benefits of gentrification.
OluTimehin Adegbeye says that in the world's megacities, the most vulnerable get left behind — including in her city, Lagos. But it's these people, she says, that most deserve space in modern cities.
Architect Vishaan Chakrabarti says many modern cities feel cold, austere, and anonymous. He advocates for designing more vibrant and inclusive cities that are reminiscent of the scale of older cities.
As Albuquerque's mayor, Richard Berry tried a new approach to addressing panhandling: offering work and connecting homeless with city services. He says it's a more humane option more cities can try.
In the hopes of becoming an Oscar contender, the Kenyan film board allowed the movie to play in Nairobi for a week. Director Wanuri Kahiu sees it as the beginning of a fight for freedom of expression.
Olivia Laing's first novel is semi-autobiographical, but written in the voice of the late literary provocateur Kathy Acker. There's no reason for the choice — but the result is breathlessly gripping.