Toys R Us has literally scrambled the jets trying to meet the demand of this year's break-out toy, handheld whirligig known as a "fidget spinner." Unlike other toy explosions like the Tickle Me Elmo or the Furby, the fidget spinner seemed to have hit without warning and without a brand. NPR's Planet Money set out to try and figure out where this thing came from and why it seemed to appear out of nowhere.
This bloody fare was brought to the French territory of Guadeloupe by colonists, who set off deep racial tensions that still exist. But the messy sausage-making process also unites family and friends.
When Ruthanna Emrys first read H.P. Lovecraft's classic tale "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," her sympathies were squarely with the monsters — and that sympathy was the seed of her new book, Winter Tide.
Author Richard Rothstein says the housing programs begun under the New Deal were tantamount to a "state-sponsored system of segregation," in which people of color were purposely excluded from suburbs.
In this prequel to Code Name Verity, Elizabeth Wein creates a charming, compelling heroine who, along with a diverse supporting cast, must solve the mystery of a disappearance on her parents' estate.
Salt Houses traces several generations of a displaced Palestinian family. Author Hala Alyan says she experienced firsthand the "intergenerational trauma that went along with losing a homeland."
Artist Simon Birch sunk everything he had into creating the immersive (and enormous) pop-up art space. He says, "It's not like a traditional museum. ... It's the exhibition I'd want to go to."
The Center will be located in the Jackson Park neighborhood of Chicago's South side and it will include three buildings — a museum, forum and library that surround a public plaza.