Buckle up in your racecar and get ready to ride, because this game is all about palindromes! Each answer is a word that can be read the same both forwards and backwards.
In this game, we mash-up famous directors and celebrities. For example, "The captain from the TV series Enterprise finds out he's a replicant" is a description of "Ridley Scott Bakula."
Jonathan Coulton plays the bad guy! In this game, we've rewritten The Romantics song "What I Like About You" from the perspective of famous fictional villains, complaining about their arch-enemies.
The sketch comedy duo Key and Peele pull off the difficult feat of translating their sensibility into a feature film that recalls out-all-night sagas like Adventures In Babysitting.
Jason Bateman directs a cast including himself, Nicole Kidman and Christopher Walken in the story of a family where the parents' experimental performances included the kids from an early age.