
A Fond (No, Really!) Farewell To 'American Idol'

Built on telephone dialing and the sting of a British tongue, American Idol shuffles off this mortal coil on Thursday night, having provided just enough good moments to survive.

'Star Wars' Alert: The 'Rogue One' Trailer Is Here

The first teaser trailer for this year's Star Wars movie has arrived. The film — set after the end of the prequels, but before the original series — is the first stand-alone movie of the franchise.

OO!! EE!! AA!!

In this final round, every answer contains a word that has the same vowel twice in a row. To the clue, "this former Daily Show correspondent hosts her own show on TBS," you'd answer, "Samantha Bee."

Movie Mistakes

Some moviegoers demystify movie magic by pointing out plot holes. In this game, we read an actual movie mistake posted on IMDB — that's the Internet Movie DataBase — and you tell us the movie.