
Unfolding The History Of Napkin Art

The simple napkin has a surprisingly complex history. The masterful table centerpieces of the Renaissance were rich in status and meaning.

Queen Of The Desert Gertrude Bell, In Her Own Words

Explorer and activist Bell is best remembered today for helping create the modern state of Iraq. A smartly edited new collection of her writings presents a fascinating (if not always smooth) portrait.

A House That's Not A Home In 'Bright Lines'

Tanwi Nandini Islam's debut novel is an understated queer coming-of-age tale, set in a vividly-portrayed Brooklyn brownstone whose residents all ache for some kind of home they've never been to.

Pizza As Autobiography In 'Slice Harvester'

Colin Atrophy Hagendorf decided to review a plain slice of pizza from every joint in Manhattan — a project that evolved into a two-fisted memoir of his own life and struggles with substance abuse.

The Art Of Drinking Absinthe, The Liquor Of Aesthetes

Absinthe was a favorite of artists like Picasso and Van Gogh. Perhaps that explains why a complex ritual rose around drinking it, spawning some of the most beautiful alcohol paraphernalia around.