The Giant Foam Finger: Sports Hatred
In Pop Culture Happy Hour's sports spinoff, Stephen Thompson and Gene Demby discuss the athletes people hate — and try to get at why.
A Rage For The Ages: The Unforgettable 'Pine Tar Game'
In the 1983 game, the Yankees were holding a trump card: an obscure rule that turned the Royals' game-winning home run into a game-loser, inspiring one of the most epic tantrums in baseball history.
Getting The Ants In 'Ant-Man' Right Was No Tiny Challenge
In Marvel's latest superhero movie, filmmakers had to portray the insects as realistic yet relatable. Two myrmecologists, or ant scientists, weigh in on whether the attempt was successful.
Put That Wok To Work: A Trick For Smoking Fish Indoors
Smoking fish usually requires a pricy smoker or other specialized gear. But you can get great smoky flavor with just a wok, some foil and a quick raid of the pantry.
Put An Herb In It: Lebanon's Fresh Approach To Beer And Cocktails
Herbs like za'atar and sumac have long been stars of Lebanese cuisine. Now they're moving out of the kitchen and into beers and cocktails, infusing them with a patriotic taste.
50 Years Ago, Bob Dylan Electrified A Decade With One Concert
It's been 50 years since Bob Dylan strolled on stage at the Newport Folk Festival, plugged in an electric guitar, and infuriated his flock. Historian Elijah Wald says there's much more to the story.
In This Twist On Tricky Dick's History, A President's Secrets Can Save Us
In Crooked, novelist Austin Grossman excuses Richard Nixon's rocky political career in the weirdest ways possible — by reimagining the former president as a warrior against supernatural forces.
Desperate To Speak: How Emily Blunt Found Her Voice
The actress stars in the new film Into the Woods, in theaters Thursday. On screen she's a natural. But as a kid, she had a stutter so severe she could hardly say her own name.
Trading Pom-Poms For Field Boots: Mireya Mayor's Big Break
The explorer's life plays out like an adventure film. But before she ever went diving with great whites, she was cheering for the Miami Dolphins — until a required science course changed her plans.