Kate Atkinson's 2013 best-seller, Life After Life, depicted the century-spanning lives of Ursula Todd; her new book takes a more constrained approach to Ursula's brother, Royal Air Force pilot Teddy.
"Secrets ... can be shocking, or silly, or soulful," says Frank Warren, the founder of PostSecret. He shares a few of the half-million secrets that strangers have sent him on postcards.
Journalist Asne Seierstad's book chronicles the 2011 shooting massacre in her country. Critic Maureen Corrigan calls the work "engrossing, important and undeniably difficult to read."
Journalist Barry Estabrook wanted to know more about the animal and its journey from the farm to his plate. In a new book, he explores the dichotomies of the industry that's raising our pork chops.
Ken Jennings has made a career of being the know-it-all. But then he challenged a supercomputer, Watson — and lost. Jennings explains how it felt to have a computer beat him and crush his pride.
Parul Sehgal, an editor at The New York Times Book Review, says as dangerous as envy can be, it can teach us a lot about who we are and what we really want.