
What's Your Number?

Who is Count Von Count's favorite rapper? Two-pac! Ah, ah, ah! Guess the Count's other favorite celebrities--they all have numbers in their names, like Ernest Borg-nine and Harrison Four-d.

The Lenses Used to Capture a City: Chad Nance Writes in and of His Hometown

Chad Nance has written for international and national outlets, and as a native of Winston-Salem, in 2012 he returned to his hometown to focus on local journalism and community building. Or as he says, the things that really affect his daily life. He's the Editor-in-Chief for Camel City Dispatch (launched in 2012), an online news daily covering everything from Arts and Entertainment to business, education, and more.  

In addition to his work with Camel City Dispatch, Nance has published Shape I'm In: The Camel City Dispatches and the second of a five-novel sci-fi series, Existential Threat: Scarlet Stains will be released on February 14th, by Second Wind Publishing.