Dune: Part Two is a more exciting and eventful journey than Dune: Part One. But even here, the high points are over too soon, and the movie quickly moves on.
The Cuban jazz artist says she's never felt welcome in Latin pop. That is, until she came to Puerto Rico to record her new album, Alkemi, which expands her sound into R&B, bossa nova and neo-soul.
There are no Wonka-like scenes of Tagalong rainbows and Do-si-do stools. But parents can be forgiven for feeling like Oompa Loompas — hardworking cogs in a well-oiled machine.
From war to injustice and religious extremism, the documentary finalists are thematically harrowing stories from around the world. Each is a triumph of storytelling and craft.
Bradley Onishi is a former Christian nationalist who's now a professor of religion and the author of Preparing for War, a critique of the movement and its impact on American democracy.
While nearly 20% of American gamers identify as LGBTQ+, according to a study from GLAAD and Nielsen, less than 2% of all games include LGBTQ+ characters or storylines.