The strategy of going to the Supreme Court to challenge Proposition 8 was controversial within the gay-rights movement. Now, Jo Becker's new book is proving to be controversial as well.
The Tawdry Ballad Of A Man, A Casino And A Game Of Chance
The Ballad of a Small Player is set in the murky underworld of Macau's casinos. Reviewer Tash Aw calls the novel a masterful and thrilling collision of old Asia and 21st century glamour.
For Comic Hari Kondabolu, Explaining The Joke IS The Joke
Many comedians think that explaining jokes ruins jokes, but Hari Kondabolu doesn't mind. Especially when it comes to jokes about race and ethnicity, he's willing to explain until everyone gets it.
Why Comedian Hari Kondabolu Is 'Waiting For 2042'
The Indian-American performer says he's not obsessed with race, but he uses it frequently in his comedy because it's part of his lived experience and something he can't help but pay attention to.
Local Artist Laura Lashley Collaborates with Arts Based School on Science-Inspired Mural
If you've ever stopped to check out the bright and mesmerizing mural at 7th and Trade Streets in Winston-Salem or roamed through the jungle of the tiger maze at the Children's Museum, you've experienced the work of local visual artist Laura Lashley. Her acrylic paintings are characterized by vivid color, pattern, movement, and inspiration from nature. Laura is currently working on an ArtSTEM mural project with the 6th graders at the Arts Based School. Their project aims to represent the STEM subjects of science, technology, engineering and mathematics through visual art. Laura stopped by WFDD to talk about her personal work and some of her community projects.
Gershwin and Ravel Together at Last in W-S Symphony Finale
Coming up in May it's the exciting final concert of the Winston-Salem Symphony's Classics Series.
Hey, Superheroes On The National Mall: Any Advice For Congress?
Gathered in Washington for a comic book convention, these costumed enthusiasts shared how their favorite characters would run the country.
A Love Letter To Literature: Reading Gabo In 'The Paris Review'
Gabriel Garcia Marquez died Thursday. It would be hard to overstate the importance of his novels, but author Gustavo Arellano recommends getting to know him in a different medium.