
"Sounds of Summer: Exploring the Tones and Colors of Organs" Continues with Organist Ray Ebert

Sounds of the Summer: Exploring the Tones and Colors of Organs in Winston-Salem began June 9th, with a recital by Co-founder, award-winning organist Timothy Olsen. He performed on the 1971 Charles W. McManis Organ at the Gemeinhaus in Historic Bethabara Park. Sounds of the Summer continues through August 19th and along the way organ lovers sample from the Grooms and Payne instrument at First Baptist Church, the Skinner and Fisk organs at St. Paul's Episcopal, and many others, performed on by some of the Piedmont's finest keyboardists.

EMF: The Human Spirit

Our Summer 2013 local performance broadcast series begins Friday, July 26th, at 8:00 pm.