
Recipes: 'Simply Organic'

Many an organic manifesto has hit the bookstore of late, but Simply Organic is different: light on sermonizing, and neck-deep in great recipes that highlight familiar seasonal flavors. Try Asparagus and Scallops and, for dessert, the Basil-Lemon Cake.

Recipes: 'Raising the Salad Bar'

Summertime is salad time! Try an Arugula and Avocado Salad with Shaved Parmesan, topped with a garlicky lemon dressing. Or, if you still can't warm up to your leafy greens, maybe a sprightly Chicken Salad with Fruit and Toasted Pecans is more to your liking?

Recipes: 'Mediterranean Fresh'

"Worldly but not pretentious, Joyce Goldstein's book appeals to the grown-up palate that doesn't mind if it never sees an iceberg wedge again," says T. Susan Chang. If this sounds like you, try Figs, Greens, and Prosciutto with Gorgonzola Cream Dressing or Grilled Squid Stuffed with Rice and Shrimp.

Recipes: 'Fish Without A Doubt'

Somehow, seafood always tastes better in the summer, and this book, says T. Susan Chang, is like "having your smart aunt in the kitchen, saving you from your own foolish, blundering self." Why not start with Key West Ceviche or center a meal on the Grilled Dorade with Hoisin Glaze?

Recipes: 'Grill It!'

This book streamlines strong flavors into bold, relatively simple recipes. Our recommendations? Easy Memphis-Style Barbecued Pork Spareribs or Smoke-Roasted Chicken Thighs with Maple Barbecue Sauce.