Greensboro offers to pay aviation company $1,000 per job it creates
The Greensboro City Council has agreed to pay an aerospace company $1,000 for each local job it creates, should it build a new facility in Guilford County.
The Greensboro City Council has agreed to pay an aerospace company $1,000 for each local job it creates, should it build a new facility in Guilford County.
Aviation professionals gathered this week for the North Carolina Airports Association (NCAA) Conference, where an achievement in the Triad garnered some attention.
The NC Rural Center is awarding over $3 million to organizations that provide loans to small businesses.
Krispy Kreme is closing a Concord manufacturing facility and scrapping plans to expand operations in Winston-Salem.
A textile manufacturer based in Kernersville is planning an expansion in Winston-Salem.
Furniture manufacturing is not dead.
Guilford County is moving forward to facilitate the equitable distribution of county contracts with local businesses.
A North Carolina-based venture capital firm is allocating 100% of its investment to women and Black and brown-owned businesses.
The first hours and days of the Weaver fertilizer plant fire were terrifying for many people that lived in the vicinity.
Duke Energy has asked North Carolina regulators to approve the expansion of a program that lets large customers contract for renewable energy.