
A Search For The Disappearing Middle Class

As the U.S. recovers from the Great Recession, one fact that's emerging is that while jobs are coming back, most are either high- or low-paying. NPR's Kelly McEvers is reporting on the disappearing middle. Host Arun Rath talks with Kelly about her first piece of the project, a look at her hometown of Lincoln, Ill. They also discuss her upcoming work.

NC November Unemployment Numbers Down

Raleigh, NC -- (AP)  North Carolina's unemployment rate took a sharp drop in November, falling to 7.4 percent and inching ever closer toward the national rate.

Year In Numbers: The Federal Reserve's $85 Billion Question

As 2013 wraps up, NPR is looking at the numbers that tell this year's story. When it comes to the economy, $85 billion is a good candidate. That's the amount the Federal Reserve has been pumping into the financial system each month trying to stimulate growth and bring down unemployment. On Tuesday, Fed policymakers begin a two-day meeting at which they'll decide whether to dial back that stimulus.