
Administration Urges Europeans To Ease Austerity Measures

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is on his first trip to Europe, pushing for leaders to let up on strict steps that were enacted during the financial crisis. His trip comes as President Obama prepares to send his budget plan to Congress. It's said to include cuts to Social Security and Medicare. David Greene talks to Lew, who's in Berlin to meet with Germany's finance minister.

Construction Jobs Take A Hit In March After A Fall Boost

The latest employment numbers showed far fewer jobs were created in March than in February, disappointing those who had hoped robust growth from the winter months would hold into spring. The news overshadowed an effort from the White House to reach out to Republicans on the tax-and-spend front. The president said he would trim the growth in retirement programs if the GOP would accept some higher taxes. NPR's Scott Horsley talks to Robert Siegel about how the two issues are related.