A national survey shows U.S. beekeepers lost about half of their colonies in 2022. A beekeeper talks about the important role bees play in our food supply.
The Japanese Joro spider has made it's home in Georgia. Its big, beautiful, harmless to people, shy and rapidly growing in numbers. It's invasive, but it is not yet clear what harm it can cause.
After days of smoky conditions caused by Canadian wildfires, some U.S. cities are looking to play it safe this Fourth of July with innovative alternatives to their fireworks displays.
The nation has banned the bags that typically hold vegetables and fruit. Recyclable, biodegradable or plant-based plastic bag are also included in the ban.
A rice field, a playground, piles of garbage — cameras from above cast a lens at earthly images with surprising, even dazzling results. Here are some of the winners from the 2023 Drone Photo Awards.
Several hundred wildfires are continuing to burn across Canada this weekend, with an ongoing impact on impact air quality for vast swaths of the North American continent.
Over three years, hundreds of volunteers will fan out across California to survey wild bees, with the goal of piecing together a picture of where they live and which species are in trouble.
Conservation groups had urged the governor to veto the bill, saying phosphogypsum would hurt water quality and put road construction crews at a higher risk of cancer.