Lulu Garcia-Navarro speaks with Gustavo Faleiros about the unprecedented destruction of the Amazon forest and what it might mean for both Brazil and regional security.
President Trump signed a big public lands conservation bill this summer. But so far the White House's implementation of the new law has been scattershot and controversial.
Two people are missing a day after a massive landslide roared through the Alaskan coastal town of Haines amid record rains and wind gusts of up to 65 miles an hour.
The Jan. 6 auction was set before the end of the comment and nominations period. If leases are finalized before Joe Biden takes office, they could be difficult to revoke.
Brian Deese led President Barack Obama's auto rescue and managed Obama's climate policy. But then Deese went to work for an investment giant so many progressives are opposed to his appointment.
Top Democrats back off demands for a larger COVID-19 relief bill. Sources tell NPR that President Trump is considering a run in 2024. Plus, new reports say climate change is making people sick.
Heat waves, air pollution and extreme weather are making people sick and, increasingly, killing people. A key report by global physicians says fossil fuels are to blame.
The case was brought by a group of environmental organizations and more than 17,000 Dutch citizens. They demand that Shell be forced to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 45% by 2030.
A work safety agency says last year's eruption, which killed 22 people, was unexpected, but it wasn't unforeseeable. The tragedy struck at New Zealand's most active volcano.