The 21 plaintiffs, many of whom are minors, say government policies infringe on their rights. "We need to as a country, do much bigger things," Leigh-Ann Draheim, the mother of one plaintiff said.
The bio-diverse country says it has a responsibility to conserve its reefs. However, researchers say there are more effective and less toxic sunscreens available.
NPR's Ari Shapiro speaks with environmental educator and researcher Suzana Padua about how the election of Brazil's new president Jair Bolsonaro may threaten the country's conservation efforts.
As battles over energy and climate heat up, national groups are putting more money into local races with a big impact. That includes the election of the land commissioner in New Mexico.
The National Butterfly Center is a habitat for more than 100 species of butterflies. The proposed barrier would cut off 70 percent of its property, putting it in a no man's land along the Rio Grande.
The Environmental Protection Agency has given farmers the OK to continue to spray the controversial weedkiller dicamba. The chemical is prone to blowing in the wind and damaging other vegetation.
For months, Puerto Rican officials have said their government is ready for another hurricane. But the part of its emergency response plan dealing specifically with hurricanes hasn't been completed.
Venice saw an unusually high tide leaving three-quarters of the city covered in water. Officials in large areas of the country closed schools and urged residents to stay indoors.