Tropical Forests Suffered Second-Worst Loss Of Trees On Record Last Year
In 2017, 39 million acres of tree cover disappeared, an area as big as Bangladesh. "The report is telling a bleak picture," researcher Mikaela Weisse said. "What we are doing right now isn't enough."
Killdeer Plays Killjoy, Halts Production Of 'Canada's Coachella'
The birds nest was found in the same location organizers hoped to construct the main stage of the Ottawa Bluesfest.
Pediatrician Who Exposed Flint Water Crisis Shares Her 'Story Of Resistance'
After warning of elevated lead levels in her patients in Flint, Mich., Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha faced a backlash: "The state said that I was an unfortunate researcher, that I was causing near-hysteria."
The Bountiful Benefits Of Bringing Back The Beavers
Hundreds of millions of beavers used to populate the West but were hunted to near extinction. Turns out, beavers are critical to healthy water ecosystems, so now there are efforts to bring them back.
Large Methane Leaks Threaten Perception Of 'Clean' Natural Gas
A new study finds that oil and gas operations are leaking 60 percent more methane than previously reported by the federal government.
Officials Say Illegal Pesticide Caused Deaths of 13 Bald Eagles In Maryland
Authorities said there is an "epidemic on the Eastern Shore" of wildlife-poisoning crimes because it's "cheaper and easier" than trapping a nuisance animals or building a fence.
Emails Raise Questions About Interior Secretary Zinke's Link With Oil Executive
Congressional Democrats and a public watchdog group are calling for an ethics investigation into the secretary over a land deal between Zinke's family foundation and oil and gas company Halliburton.
Keystone Virus Makes Jump From Mosquitoes To Human For First Time
The first known human case of the virus was identified in a Florida teen after a year of tests. Known symptoms include fever and a severe rash, but it's unclear if it causes brain inflammation.
Long-Extinct Gibbon Found Inside Tomb Of Chinese Emperor's Grandmother
A Chinese tomb has turned up evidence of a new species of long-extinct ape. The gibbon, called Junzi imperialis, lived and died alongside its imperial human caretaker.