The invasive species have been caught mere miles from Lake Michigan. Scientists fear if they invade the lake, they could spread throughout the Great Lakes.
It's been a year since 1,100 residents of a public housing complex in Northwest Indiana learned they'd have to move due to high levels of lead in their soil. There still are contamination threats.
Climate change is complicating the lives of subsistence rice farmers in Madagascar. For years, the wet and dry seasons arrived predictably. No more. To survive, farmers are looking to diversify.
The Trump administration has reversed its effort to delay implementation of an Environmental Protection Agency regulation lowering acceptable ozone emissions, a major component of smog. The reversal comes after 16 states filed a lawsuit saying the delay was unlawful.
Scientists in Switzerland used mobile streetlamps to light up patches of cabbage thistle. They found that nocturnal pollinators, such as beetles and flies, mostly stayed away.
A record-setting "dead zone," where water doesn't have enough oxygen for fish to survive, has appeared this summer. One major cause is pollution from farms.
An earthquake of preliminary magnitude 4.2 hit Wednesday night. Earthquakes used to be rare in Oklahoma. Scientists say they're linked to the disposal of wastewater from fracking.
The Trump administration seeks to roll back and delay dozens of regulations across government, including one to lower smog-creating ozone. Environmental groups are challenging the EPA in court.
"I have no illusions about the possibility of changing Donald Trump's mind," he says. Instead, the former vice president wants to build bipartisan consensus to address the crisis.