As states issue stay-at-home orders, animal shelters have had to close their doors. They're coming up with new ways to find homes as they brace for an onslaught of puppies and kittens.
The president's decision came hours after floating the possibility that he would issue quarantines for the hard-hit states. The CDC later advised residents against non-essential travel for 14 days.
The Census Bureau says it's suspending for two more weeks the hiring of temporary workers and in-person visits in remote communities and areas recovering from natural disasters for the 2020 count.
A scientific brief from the World Health Organization says "current evidence" points to infectious respiratory droplets passed in "close contact" situations, but some say it's too soon to be sure
States are preparing guidelines for when there's not enough care to go around. Disability groups are worried that those standards will allow rationing that excludes people with disabilities.
Countries all over the world are being impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. We hear how nations in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America are responding.