An expert panel wants the Food And Drug Administration to withdraw its approval for Makena, because a large study shows the drug doesn't work. But some doctors say the evidence isn't clear-cut.
The Environmental Protection Agency would give coal plants more time to close unlined coal ash ponds, and ease rules on wastewater. Opponents say that prolongs the risk of toxic spills.
Last week's testimony before Gambia's Truth Commission riveted the country and described a culture of systematic sexual abuse in the presidential palace.
Google "rash" online, and you'll mostly turn up photos of inflamed bumps on white skin. That's not so helpful for people of color, says a mom who's pushing for a more realistic diversity of images.
Journalist and Brain on Fire author Susannah Cahalan writes in an urgent, personal book that the '70s study by David Rosenhan had an outsized effect on psychiatry — and may have been fatally flawed.
An FDA advisory panel recommends that a pregnancy drug — used to prevent premature births — be taken off the market. Researchers say there isn't enough evidence to suggest it works.
Montana is one of several states that want Medicaid recipients to prove they work a steady, minimum number of hours monthly. Will federal courts allow the Montana rule change to stand?