Health & Safety
In Pure, Linda Kay Klein reflects on the "deep, long-lasting shame" caused by churches that claim women and girls are responsible for the sexual desires of men.
Triad DOT Crews Lending A Helping Hand In Eastern NC
The North Carolina Department of Transportation's Guilford County Division is sending employees to some of the hardest hit areas in the aftermath of Florence.
Why The U.S. Ranks At The Bottom In A Foreign Aid Index
In a newly published index, the Center for Global Development assesses the quantity and quality of aid from 27 wealthy countries.
'Nightmare That Won't End': Storm Evacuees Can't Return Yet
Hundreds of people waited in long lines for water and other essentials in Wilmington, still mostly cut off by rising water days after Hurricane Florence unleashed epic floods, and North Carolina's governor pleaded with more than 10,000 evacuees around the state not to return home yet.
What The Yom Kippur Fast Means To A Man Who's Known Hunger
Shadrach Mugoya Levi is the spiritual leader of a community of Uganda Jews. After a year of study in Jerusalem, he says he's more prepared than ever for the Day of Atonement.
Doctors Today May Be Miserable, But Are They 'Burnt Out'?
There's a lively debate going on in the medical community about physician burnout. Who has it? How bad is it? Is it even real?
Doctors Should Send Obese Patients To Diet Counseling, Panel Says. But Many Don't
Behavior-based weight-loss programs that focus on diet and exercise can work for obese patients, a national panel of experts says. But many doctors aren't having the necessary conversations.
This Rapper Tried To Use Neuroscience To Get Over Her Ex
Dessa is a singer and writer from Minneapolis who spent years trying to fall out of love and get over her ex. Nothing seemed to help — until she visited a research lab for a brain scan.
Hurricane Rating System Fails To Account For Deadly Rain
When meteorologists downgraded Hurricane Florence from a powerful Category 4 storm to a Category 2 and then a Category 1, Wayne Mills figured he could stick it out.