The latest report has similar findings to prior estimates: big increases in the uninsured population, with some deficit reduction. But there's a big caveat: This bill will likely change.
People who think others are more active tend to have shorter lifespans, even if they're actually getting the same amount of exercise. The social comparison could kill motivation, researchers say.
A Senate proposal to repeal Obamacare includes $45 billion to treat opioid addiction. But it wouldn't make up for deep cuts to Medicaid in that same bill that has funded much of that treatment.
Somerset County in southwestern Pennsylvania is deep coal country. For years, it's been looking to remake itself. Wind energy and health care may be its future — if it can attract qualified workers.
Should parents or doctors have the final say when treating critically ill children? It's a question that's being hotly debated in Britain with the case of Charlie Gard.
The Republican health care bill failed in part because of opposition to shrinking Medicaid. An 11-year-old girl with sickle cell anemia went to Washington, D.C., to make sure that wouldn't happen.
President Trump and Senate GOP leaders are making a last-ditch effort to try to piece together a health care proposal that can pass the narrowly divided Senate.
The activists came to Washington, D.C., from across the country — and around the world. They took workshops like #GirlBoss101, spoke to members of Congress — and even made time for fun.
While Washington ponders the future of the Affordable Care Act, health insurers need to decide right now what to charge people for health insurance in 2018. "It's insane," says one CEO.