Today it's fidget spinners, but soon it will be another little gizmo that children dearly, desperately want. The complicated social dynamics of childhood are one big reason.
A recent study gives thumbs up to the World Health Organization's 6-step plan. The problem is that lots of people — including health workers — fail to scrub.
The Department of Defense has increased protections for military personnel from exposure to lead from firearms. It can be a health problem for people using recreational shooting ranges, too.
In TV appearances and meetings with constituents, House Republicans are highlighting parts of the law that protect consumers, while glossing over loopholes that allow insurers to avoid paying.
More than 70 drugs approved by the FDA from 2001 to 2010 ran into safety concerns that prompted withdrawals from the market, "black box" warnings or other actions.
A firestorm has erupted over the ethics of using that image on Facebook to promote a photo contest — and the broader issue of how Western media depicts young women and girls in poor countries.
NPR's Robert Siegel talks to Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper about health care reform. Colorado expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act and would either have to take on that funding burden or change eligibility requirements under the American Health Care Act.
A federal task force says the risks of screening outweigh benefits. Many thyroid growths never develop into dangerous cancers, and overdiagnosis can lead people to have unnecessary surgery.