Cuba has reported only three cases of Zika contracted in the country. The government credits its deployment of soldiers and civilians across the island to destroy mosquito breeding grounds.
It's a country of booming urban centers and poor and lawless rural regions. A pending peace deal between the government and the guerrillas promises to end this divide.
The aim is to make clinical trial data available to volunteers and scientists, even if a drug or therapy being tested turns out to be a failure. That could help identify serious side effects.
People are playing Pokemon Go while behind the wheel — and then tweeting about it. And causing crashes. Immersive games like this can be even more dangerous than texting, researchers say.
Kids with mental health problems may face a host of issues in school. Many parents say they need to be aggressive to make sure schools are on top of what their kids need.
Research on patients with testicular cancer and on others fighting a brain malignancy finds that people who are privately insured are more likely to be diagnosed earlier and survive longer.
In developing countries, open defecation is a major cause of diarrheal diseases, child mortality and even sexual assault against girls and women exposed while relieving themselves outside.
Synthetic chemicals have been found in Colorado water supplies. The Pentagon is examining hundreds of military sites for possible contamination by PFCs, which have been linked to health problems.