The Senate bill, an amalgam of more than a dozen proposals, will expand access to medication-assisted treatment. It also will encourage police to send drug users to treatment rather than to jail.
Many disabled adults want to work — and many do. But a survey shows that a workplace can be particularly stressful for them, and workplaces may not be doing enough to lower the stress.
The Senate is set to vote on a measure to target the growing epidemic of opioid addictions. The bill has many new policies and initiatives, but it doesn't come with money to put them into practice.
A new study finds people who are well-hydrated have lower body weights and lower odds of obesity. It adds evidence to the theory that drinking lots of water may help in weight management.
Despite government policies designed to encourage health coverage for these children, many families are thwarted by confusing rules and regulations, advocacy groups say.
The deductibles that most people actually pay are much lower than those advertised because of subsidies, according to a report released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
And they're not unplugging from email and text messages when they do get away, an NPR poll finds. "So they're taking their stress along with them wherever they go," says a Harvard scientist.