Schizophrenia typically starts in the late teens or early 20s. But if you could stop that first psychotic break, could you stop the mental illness in its tracks? Some doctors think so.
Twenty percent of people who fall and break a hip after age 50 die within a year, and women are at greatest risk. But you can reduce the odds of falling. Here's how.
Restricting your calories for short periods of time may be one way to counter seasonal overeating. A few studies make a cautious but encouraging case for the health benefits of regular "minifasts."
Some people would argue that the emergency room isn't the right place to deal with patients' personal problems. But the ills that lead people to seek care are often tied to their challenging lives.
Pediatricians have been telling parents for years that soft bedding, such as pillows and blankets, raises the risk of suffocation for babies. But many parents don't seem to be paying attention.
The health care law gives subsidies to those whose employers' insurance isn't affordable, but that's based on the cost of worker-only coverage. Adding family to a plan can send prices out of reach.
Sibling relationships are the longest-lasting family ties we have, and they're among the most likely to bring health and happiness as we age. Think on that when your brother grabs the wishbone.