Health & Safety
Best To Not Sweat The Small Stuff, Because It Could Kill You
Chronic stress can lead to heart disease, cancer and other health problems. A study shows it doesn't matter if the stress comes from major life events or minor hassles. Time to take a deep breath?
In California, Less Water Means More West Nile Virus
You'd think that mosquitoes wouldn't like drought, but that's not what's happening in California, where stagnant water breeds more mosquitoes. Cases of West Nile virus have doubled since last year.
Giving Chickens Bacteria ... To Keep Them Antibiotic-Free
What does it take to get chickens off antibiotics? According to Perdue Farms, an added dose of the "good bacteria" known as probiotics can help crowd out the harmful microbes that make a chicken sick.
Hundreds Of Students Face Suspension Without TDAP Vaccine
More than 860 students in the Piedmont are at risk of being kept out of school Wednesday if they don't get immunized.
How Catholic Insurance Companies Outsource Contraceptive Coverage
For years Catholic health plans have been arranging for independent insurance firms to provide contraceptive coverage to their enrollees.
The Biology Of Altruism: Good Deeds May Be Rooted In The Brain
Angela Stimpson donated a kidney to a complete stranger. Why did she do it? Researchers found that the brains of Stimpson and other altruists are sensitive to fear and distress in a stranger's face.
How To Get Children To Behave Without Hitting Them
Most parents say they have used corporal punishment. But there's abundant evidence that it doesn't improve behavior over time. Changing how parents talk to children does work, but it takes practice.
It May Be 'Perfectly Normal', But It's Also Frequently Banned
It's Perfectly Normal, a 20-year-old illustrated sex-ed book for kids, is meant to teach children about sexual health, puberty and relationships. It's one of the most banned books in America.
Which Catholics Offer Birth Control? Look To The Insurers
Catholic universities and hospitals argue they shouldn't have to offer contraceptive coverage, but many Catholic insurance companies have been making it available for years.